Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 12/2022

Ekon Ukr. 2022 (12): 69–83


УДК 332.1:911.37(043.3)

JEL: R14, R31, R40, R58

SHULTS Svitlana1, LYSYAK Nataliia2

1Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the NAS of Ukraine
OrcID ID :


The phenomenon of spatial exclusion in Ukrainian cities is revealed with emphasis on its multidimensionality, in particular, on the fact that it depends on various factors and manifests itself in many areas of social interaction. Spatial exclusion is a phenomenon when part of the space (territory) is limited in access, use, and economic activities of society (residents of the territory), is characterized by physical, economic, legal, socio-political and other types of restrictions.
The analysis of processes taking place in cities proves that spatial exclusion may arise as a result of inherited problems of cities (location, natural and landscape conditions, existing layout and functional structure, historic buildings), deepening of structural and sectoral deformations (disparities in investment in the development of territories, disproportionate scales of new construction, financial weakness), as well as due to the influence of important institutional factors (separate solution of socio-economic and spatial issues, lack of comprehensive development of territories, territorial conflicts and high level of risks for potential investors). Among such barriers, the central role belongs to the inconsistency of socio-economic development goals and spatial potential in the development of territories.
Based on the generalization and analysis of spatial exclusion manifestations, the main measures to eliminate them are outlined: increasing the mobility of city residents by improving the efficiency of the region's transport infrastructure; strengthening the coherence of housing and spatial policies; development of social and engineering infrastructure; optimization of relations between cities and environment through the improvement of environmental protection, compliance with ecological and safety requirements.
In view of changes in the system of spatial planning of territorial communities, it is proposed, when developing and implementing the integrated development concepts and complex plans of communities, to necessarily factor in the spatial priorities and financial capacity of territorial community; to make agreed decisions (by reaching reasonable compromises between the participants in the process) on urban development priorities; to create a basis for monitoring compliance with agreements, to ensure openness, transparency and general availability of information on the integrated development concept and complex plans for spatial development of territorial communities on territorial community’s web portal.

Keywords:spatial exclusion; socio-economic processes; city; urbanized system

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 69 - 83) DownloadDownloads :120
The article was received by the Editorial staff on September 29 , 2022


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