Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 9/2023

Ekon Ukr. 2023 (9): 3–29

УДК 338.2:338.45(477)

JEL: L50, L60

HEYETS Valeriy1

1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine, Research ID : 57194145214
OrcID ID :


This article is a logical continuation of the previous publication, which discussed the formation of strategically important industrial activity types in Ukraine in retrospect over the past 30 years. Based on the analysis of the development of domestic industry, problematic issues were identified, whose degree of accumulation in retrospect is important for predictive assessments and tasks for the future, taking into account the losses and threats that occurred and are occurring in 2022-2023, under war conditions.
The so-called "homework tasks" of Ukraine's economic policy are analyzed. It is noted that they are primarily related to the already signed Ukraine–IMF memorandum and are supplemented with tasks aimed at the formation of internal financial resources for post-war recovery, which is an important component of achieving economic self-sufficiency and strategic significance of Ukraine’s economy. The direction of the transformation of Ukraine's economic management system in the post-war period is outlined in view of its EU accession prospects; guidelines have been developed to strengthen the energy sector of Ukraine in accordance with the directions of development of nuclear energy as one of the types of industrial activities which in the future can operate on a high-tech basis defined in the world as that which is consistent with low-carbon economic development strategy in the global dimension.
The substantiation is conducted and its results are presented for certain types of industrial activity which have a high degree of scientific support and can develop on the novel technological basis of national property. Their development will be facilitated by the integration of Ukrainian industry into global technological chains. The latter requires the development of nuclear energy, the titanium-lithium and aluminum industry, heavy power engineering, ferrous metallurgy based on new technologies, the breeding of new high-yielding, drought- and pest-resistant varieties of agricultural plants, and the deep processing of agricultural products for food production.

Keywords:post-war recovery; European Economic Area; scientific support; overcoming peripherality; new technologies; high-tech activities; nuclear technologies; small modular reactors; metallic titanium; aluminum; heavy power engineering.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 3 - 29) DownloadDownloads :185
The article was received by the Editorial staff on August 30 , 2023


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