Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 11/2018

Ekon Ukr. 2018 (11): 148–156


УДК 336.025:339.52


1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID : https://
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2Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID : 078281
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3Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Transformation processes of the fiscal sphere of the EU concerning the development of fiscal institutions in the context of the system-forming component of both integration and disintegration processes are considered.
The EU fiscal institutions play an important role in shaping the core, not only from the economic side, but also from the political one. It is thanks to the fiscal institutions that the materialization of the political influence on the EU member states and the feedback is carried out.
The transformational processes of the fiscal sphere are related to: expenditure policies (volume optimization and streamlining of the structure and increase of the efficiency of spending public resources), income generation (adjusting the taxation system, increasing the efficiency of administering tax payments, reducing the shadow economy, improving the conditions of lending to the real sector, improving the state support of small and medium business) and financing the public administration sector (reducing the deficit of the state social funds, limiting the volume and forming the optimal structure of government borrowing), etc.
The essence of the main functions of the EU fiscal institutions (generating, distributing and controlling) as the core-forming elements of its architecture in the constructive and destructive directions of development is determined.
The current state of development of transformational processes in the European Union in two main directions – constructive and destructive – is described. The constructive direction implies further enlargement of the European Union with the use of appropriate procedures. Destructive direction involves the exit of countries from the European Union and the restoration of all attributes of a country that is not part of these or other associations. It is formulated that fiscal institutions in the destructive direction of development will play a suppressive role. Moreover, the higher level of integration was achieved by this country, the more restrictive the role of fiscal institutions will be in the case of destructive processes.
For Ukraine, the emphasis on fiscal institutions in their respective capacities may be useful for further deepening of cooperation with the European Union and adjusting already implemented steps.

Keywords:fiscal institutions of the EU; functions of fiscal institutions; constructive and destructive directions of transformation

Бібл. 6; рис. 1

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 148 - 156) DownloadDownloads :471
Article original in Russian (pp. 148 - 156) DownloadDownloads :363
The article was received by the Editorial staff on June 6 , 2018


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