Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 3/2018

Ekon Ukr. 2018 (3): 21–35


УДК 005.21:005.332.4 (477)

LYPOV Volodymyr1

1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


I. The initial principles of geo-economic analysis and forecasting of
Ukraine’s development strategy in the context of globalization

The natural-resource and sociocultural potentials for the formation of competitive strategies for Ukraine’s integration into the global economy are considered. An attention is focused on contradictions of the influence of factors of the natural environment. These factors include the richness of natural resources and central location, which simultaneously create opportunities and form challenges for the development an independent economy. In particular, they predetermine the ambivalence of social orientations of values inherent in the national culture of management and formation of the phenomenon of “resource curse”, thus creating barriers to obtaining the international competitive advantages through the introduction of modern technologies. The influence of values on the formation of competitive strategies is considered. On the example of using the results of research of the distance of social trust of Ukrainians within the framework of the World Values Survey (2010-2014), the author shows the origins of the problem of building up an effective model of the capitalist system based on values, which at the same time deny both individual initiative and forms of social cooperation going beyond the close relatives. This limits the possibilities for the formation of models of corporation as a pool of capital (Anglo-Saxon countries) or individuals (North and Central Europe (NCE) countries). At the same time, one and a half hundred years of experience of economic modernization denies traditional values of mutual responsibility of proprietor and hired worker, on which the patriarchal corporations of South-East Asia (SEA) are built. It is shown that such a situation predetermines the difference between the existing model of corporation-state interaction and models of minimization of etatism or its avoidance (Anglo-Saxon and NCE countries) or the idea of the state as a large corporation (SEA countries). The situation with forming the oligarchic-clan structure refers to the receipt of rental income through exploitation of the state resources. The emphasis is placed on the need to take into account the requirements for supporting the complementarity elements of the national culture of management and institutional structure of the forming economic model. The instruments of institutional transformations, which can be used in the process of formation of competitive strategies of Ukraine (institutional bricolage, recombination, layering, translation, displacement, transplantation and growing), are considered.

Keywords:institutions, institutional complementarity, institutional transformations, competitive strategies, national culture, natural resource potential, social orientation of a value system

Бібл. 35; рис. 2

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 21 - 35) DownloadDownloads :232
Article original in Russian (pp. 21 - 35) DownloadDownloads :72
The article was received by the Editorial staff on October 2 , 2017


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