Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 3/2018

Ekon Ukr. 2018 (3): 36–48


УДК 330.34:339.94


1Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
OrcID ID :


Actual problems of postindustrial innovation-information economy in the context of European choice of Ukraine under conditions of global transformations are being considered. The innovation-information economy is characterized as a leading component, source, generator and core of self-development of the postindustrial economy, progressive evolution of the national economy and society. First of all, it concerns neos innovations of substantive type and knowledge-intensive information as a form of representation of scientific knowledge, the effective means of directed updating and transformation of the ecogenes and economic genome of national economic actors, engine of their creative activity. Modern innovation-information revolution determines the objective character of the laws of scientific intellectualization and innovative informatization of economic activity.
A unique innovation-generating role of knowledge and knowledge-intensive information is determined, in particular, by their substrate qualities, including: almost absolute metamorphism, indifference to carrier material, increased mobility, an ability to be subject to appropriation without proper alienation, an effective integrator of production factors and a catalyst for innovation capital formation, a moderator of the cyclic co-evolution of the basic components of the innovation-information economy. In reproductive economic processes, knowledge and knowledge-intensive information are represented directly as special essential forces of economic participants and in the form of innovation-information products (in non-market sphere of reproduction) or innovation-information goods (in market sphere of reproduction). These products and goods are carriers of the basic qualitative characteristics of knowledge and knowledge-intensive information, which allows them to be the leading “players” of the global economy.
The creative potential of development inherent in the innovation-information economy can be realized only under conditions of its nationally oriented openness to the leading global trends and processes, in particular: (i) comprehensive knowledge-intensive informatization and computerization; (ii) active creative development of the economy and society; (iii) actualization of economic creativity and freedom; (iv) competitive cooperation and civilized struggle; (v) expansion of mobile and highly professional human capital. The innovation-information economy should become a powerful vanguard of the national development.

Keywords:postindustrial; innovation-information economy; knowledge-intensive information; neos; ecogenetics; self-development; generativity; creativity; openness

Бібл. 17; рис. 9; табл. 2

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 36 - 48) DownloadDownloads :363
Article original in Russian (pp. 36 - 48) DownloadDownloads :318
The article was received by the Editorial staff on September 28 , 2017


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