1. The article with the volume up to 26,000 characters (with spaces) should be set up by the Times New Roman font (14 font size, 1.5 line spacing), and together with the Author’s card (sample) and CONSENT to the processing of personal data (sample) be sent to the e-mail address of the editorial office:; article’s UDC and JEL should be indicated.
2. The “top” of the article (surname, name, patronymic, scientific degree, scientific rank, position and workplace (official title) of the author(s), article’s title, short (5–6 lines) abstract, and keywords) should be given in English and in article’s language. The surname and name of the author (all co-authors) in English must be submitted in accordance with the international passport. Such information as the contact telephone # and e-mail of the author (all co-authors) is also required.
3. The article should be supplemented by the extended summary 200–250 words in volume in English and in article’s language.
Please, consider the following obligatory requirements to the extended summary.
It should be:
– informative (without generalities);
– original (not to be a copy of the abstract);
– informative (reflecting the main content of the article and research results);
– structured (to follow the article’s logic)
One of the possible versions of the Summary may include the short repetition of the article containing the introduction, purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. It is desirable that the Summary will: (i) involve syntactic constructions inherent in the language of scientific documents; (ii) avoid complicated grammatical constructions (not used in scientific English); (iii) use the terminology characteristic of foreign special (economic) texts; (iv) avoid terms that are straightforward tracing of Ukrainian-language concepts; (v) adhere to the coherence of terminology within the Summary and text of the article.
4. The article’s text should be clear, concise, without long introductions and repetitions. The text must contain the purpose of the article (not below the third page of the text) and subtitle Conclusions (the latter should sum up the problems discussed, identify ways to solve them, and practical direction of research with an emphasis for Ukraine). It is not allowed that the conclusions repeat part of the text of the article.
5. The list of references is to be placed separately at the end of the article and contain references to sources with specific authors or sources placed on specific sites. The numbering is to be end-to-end and each source is presented in the text in square brackets. All regulatory, legislative and statistical sources are not included in the list of references and are provided at the bottom of the text pages (marked *). The list of the works cited and References should not exceed 18-20 references. The list of the works cited and References to each article should be made according to the requirements of the journal (sample).
6. The plots should be presented in the electronic form (programs Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator or Excel) and must meet the following requirements: black lines on the white background, lines of graphs and diagrams and all symbols on them are clear and expressive; plots cannot duplicate, for example, table contents.
If the plots/figures are from a foreign source, the inscriptions on it must be translated into the language of the manuscript.
7. The tables should be compact and be named. Their tops must exactly correspond to the content of columns.
8. Abbreviations, except for commonly accepted ones (mathematical quantities, units, terms), should not be used.
The article as a whole (figures, tables, mathematical formulas and citations), as well as the list of references (including References) should be carefully verified by the author.