Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 4/2018

Ekon Ukr. 2018 (4): 30–45


УДК 330.356.3: 620 + 004.4

SERDIUK Oleksandr1

1Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


TPPs in Ukraine need to be modernized in view of the inefficiency of their fuel consumption and high levels of pollutant emissions. As an option to solve the above problem, modernization of existing TPPs is proposed. Otherwise, renewable energy sources can become an alternative to its thermal generation. To develop a specific strategy for transition from traditional energy sources to renewable ones, it is necessary to carry out a quantitative estimation of effectiveness of each project for such a transition. One of the tools for solving this complex problem is the development of the information-analytical system for preliminary estimation of comparative effectiveness of various energy development trends.
The developed scientific-methodical approach makes it possible to build an information-analytical system using the Python programming language for: (i) carrying out an automated preliminary estimation of comparative effectiveness of the modernization projects of the existing power units of the TPPs; (ii) construction and operation of WPPs; (iii) construction and operation of the SPPs. By analyzing the efficiency criteria, the program identifies the most economically attractive alternative for the analyzed thermal energy object. As an example, a comparative assessment of modernization project of Ladyzhуns’ka TPP and construction of a SPP of similar power is presented. The algorithm of comparative assessment includes: (i) determination of effective level of thermal power generation; (ii) evaluation of the effect of consumption of coal from different vendors; (iii) determination of cash flow of projects for modernization of TPPs and construction of renewable energy facilities; (iv) construction of cumulative straight lines of cash flow. According to the results of the program, it is determined that the SPP construction project is more efficient than the project of modernization of the power unit at Ladyzhуns’ka TPP. The developed information-analytical system can be used by the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine as part of the process of digitization of managerial decisions in the field of energetics directions development.

Keywords:estimation of investment efficiency; thermal power engineering; renewable energetics; information-analytical system

Бібл. 5; табл. 5; рис. 6

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 30 - 45) DownloadDownloads :312
Article original in Russian (pp. 30 - 45) DownloadDownloads :214
The article was received by the Editorial staff on November 21 , 2017


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