Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 6/2018

Ekon Ukr. 2018 (6): 26–43


УДК 336.275.3


1Scientific and Research Financial Institute of the Academy of Financial Management, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Analysis of dynamics of indicators of the state and the state-guaranteed debt in Ukraine in recent years is carried out and imperatives of the growth of public debt are determined. It is found out that its primary factors were the expansion of financing of the state budget for budget support of the state sector of economy, banking system, as well as the financing of the budget deficit. It is concluded that the solving of such tasks was carried out under conditions of aggravation of financial risks, namely: revenue mobilization, attraction of an additional resource for the purpose of financing the budget deficit and deficit-debt adjustment, under-fulfilment of privatization plans, admission of high inflation, as well as depreciation of the national currency. It is noted that the growth of public debt was due to an increase in the state borrowings, which were used to repay obligations, cover the costs of conducting the active operations and shift part of the borrowings of corporations and institutions to the state budget. The conduct of active operations was aimed at providing the financial support to the state banks and state institutions, DGF and capitalization of some private banks. Changes in the volume of the state borrowings are disclosed in terms of the ratio of their internal and external components. The reasons and consequences of growth of costs of deficit-debt adjustment (active operations within the framework of the state budget) are determined. Under conditions of non-fulfillment of revenue plans from privatization of the state property, such a policy will lead to aggravation of fiscal risks (retention of high indicators of the state borrowings and debt financing at the expense of the NBU and the state banks). The policy of state borrowings (in terms of internal and external components) turned out to be inconsistent: sharp changes were allowed in attracting the resource from internal and external sources, and the implementation of debt policy was marked by significant peak load on the state budget as well as their high profitability both in domestic and foreign markets. The volume of loan servicing continued to grow, which became a factor of increasing budget expenditures. Financing of borrowings using the resources of the NBU and the state-owned banks were reaching high rates. The author proposes the directions of fiscal policy aimed at restraining and restricting the state and the state-guaranteed debt by introducing changes to fiscal policy in Ukraine.

Keywords:state debt; state-guaranteed debt; fiscal risks; budget deficit; state borrowings; active state budget operations; deficit-debt adjustment; internal and external government obligations

Бібл. 9; рис. 5; табл. 4

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 26 - 43) DownloadDownloads :522
Article original in Russian (pp. 26 - 43) DownloadDownloads :320
The article was received by the Editorial staff on February 21 , 2018


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