Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 3/2020

Ekon Ukr. 2020 (3): 26–41


УДК 327:339.923] ((4) + (5?11))



1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The purpose of the article is to investigate the modern phenomenon of strategic value triangle on the Eurasian megacontinent with tops-epicenters in Ukraine, the Korean peninsula and around Taiwan. Applying the methodological tools of post-non-classical synergetics, the theory of political realism, constructivism, civilization and political-transformational theory, the concept of strategic value crisis and the current strategic-crisis configuration in Eurasia is defined in the context of modern globalization processes. The nature of the ongoing crisis around Ukraine and its key implications for the transformation of the G7’s global leadership, for the Eurasian megacontinent in general and Eastern Asia in particular are analyzed. It is proved that the Ukrainian crisis is a key strategic crisis not only in the post-Soviet space but also in the Eurasian continent as a whole. Thus, in terms of the involvement of major actors in world and continental politics, it is comparable to the prolonged crises in the Korean Peninsula and around Taiwan. It is substantiated that the Russian annexation of Crimea and the ongoing armed conflict in the East of Ukraine block integration processes within both Greater Europe and Continental Eurasia, in particular, between its two most economically and socially developed and dynamic macro-regions –– East Asia and the EU. At the same time, with regard to Russia, one may observe the growing risk of its final “turn to the East” and, accordingly, of establishing a strictly authoritarian geostrategic and military-political alliance between the Russian Federation and China. The ways of resolving the outlined strategic crises are proposed through overcoming the traditional East-West cultural and value paradigm, inclusive dialogue, harmonization of different regulatory orders with the participation of key actors of the megacontinental policy, enhancing interaction between European, Eurasian and Eurasian-Pacific institutions (formats) of cooperation and integration.

Keywords:strategic crisis; values; Eurasia; East-West dichotomy; armed conflict in the East of Ukraine

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 26 - 41) DownloadDownloads :178
The article was received by the Editorial staff on February 11 , 2020


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