Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 5/2017

Ekon Ukr. 2017 (5): 39–57




1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The logical and historical bases of changes in trade policy and other cardinal economic change are revealed. These foundations lie in deploying the internal contradictions of jointly-divided labor. At the present stage of the development of society, this has incarnated in contradictions between globalization, which is carried out through information, technological, financial and economic mechanisms and is subjectively represented by multinational corporations, and localization, which is carried out through spatial-territorial forms and is subjectively represented by national states.
The forms of manifesting this contradiction are analyzed. It is shown that for its solution it is necessary to coordinate global and local reproduction cycles at all levels - from the largest TNC to the settlement of the poorest country. Incoordination of such cycles generates uncontrolled migration flows of labor, material and financial resources, which, in turn, generates crisis phenomena of a various nature.
Overcoming of these contradictions is possible on the way of transition to a reconstructive type of development and search for adequate mechanisms of management. It is concluded that the solution of problems of stable equilibrium development should be based not on purely economic approaches with their principles of rationality and efficiency, but on economic ones, which give priority to not rationality and efficiency (although they are not excluded), but to the integrity of the reproduction of the country\'s economic life.
The characteristic of the essence and general mechanisms of reconstructive development is given, as well as their relationship with local mechanisms. It is shown that the mechanism of reconstructive development combines planned reflection (mutual disclosure of a need and an object of its satisfaction), neoclassical and Keynesian instruments of influence on supply and demand on the basis of institutional means of correction of conformity of needs and demand (on the one hand) and resources and supply (on the other)


The article was received by the Editorial staff on February 10 , 2017


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