FINANCE. TAXES. CREDIT УДК 336.144.3 JEL: 1Scientific and Research Financial Institute of the Academy of Financial Management, Research ID : MECHANISMS OF FINANCING OF STATE’S BUDGET UNDER CONDITIONS OF THE OVERCOMING OF FISCAL DISBALANCES The analysis of the dynamics of indicators of the financing of state’s budget under conditions of the sharpening of fiscal risks is implemented. The conclusions are drawn that the tendencies of their changes reflect the accumulation of fiscal disbalances in the frames of state’s budget, state’s social funds, and state’s corporations for the last years. It is noted that, by the totals of 2015, the significant decrease in the deficit of state’s budget is attained. However, we observe the tendency to the conservation of high indicators of state’s loans, whose volumes exceed essentially the indicators of the deficit of state’s budget. The reason is the financing of operations of the budget-debt correction. Keywords:budget position, financing of state’s budget, budget-debt correction, control over budget expenditures, mobilization of incomes to the budget
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