Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 6/2019

Ekon Ukr. 2019 (6): 3–17


УДК 330.341:004.4 (477)

SERDIUK Oleksandr1

1Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Ukraine’s energy system, namely the sector of thermal energy, is the country’s largest producer of greenhouse gas emissions nowadays. Given the significant contribution of Ukraine’s energy sector to the nationwide producing greenhouse gas emissions, the need for its restructuring is becoming increasingly obvious from an economic point of view. However, the lack of economic incentives for private parties and the limited financial capacity of the public sector hamper the implementation of appropriate measures. Given that the natural economic incentives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the private sector in the energy sector (80% of the thermal energy sector belongs to the private sector) can only arise in the event of a change in the energy market situation, this raises the question of how to effectively use the limited financial resources of the state for such needs.
In view of this, the concept of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Ukraine’s energy sector is developed, which should be implemented in three stages: (i) the optimization of electricity generation at the TPPs by bringing the load to the maximum and relatively efficient levels, at which the largest amount of energy will be generated per unit of greenhouse gas emissions; (ii) clustering of TPPs into two groups by the performance indicators of operation: the identifying relatively efficient TPPs to be modernized; (iii) ranking of relatively inefficient TPPs by priority for replacement with renewable energy sources.
To identify the enterprises in relation to which the proposed measures should be applied, the software is developed, which will determine the relevant information by analyzing the data characterizing the activity of enterprises.

Keywords:concept; efficiency of reducing greenhouse gas emissions; thermal power plants; optimization of production; clustering; modernization; renewable energy sources

Бібл. 3; рис. 12; табл. 2

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 3 - 17) DownloadDownloads :250
The article was received by the Editorial staff on November 7 , 2018


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