Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 5/2021

Ekon Ukr. 2021 (5): 91–94




HEYETS Valeriy1

1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine, Research ID : 57194145214
OrcID ID :


At the end of 2020, an international team of researchers published in Prague an English-language book “Reformation: the Success of Europe and a Chance for Ukraine.” The authors of the book not only study the positive impact of the Reformation on the development of Europe and the world, but also show how the implementation of the principles of the Reformation can lead to effective economic reforms in Ukraine. Ukraine needs new reforms that would change the internal foundations of the state development, create conditions for the economy to work for the benefit of the society as a whole, ensure equality before the law for all. In addition to a high level of theoretical and economic-philosophical generalizations, the book contains practical recommendations for Ukraine, which are systematically implemented by Ukrainian authors in our daily lives. The publication of this book in the Czech Republic, which is a member of the EU, in English will give Western readers a better understanding of the professional and well-founded point of view of leading Ukrainian and foreign scholars on the development of European values in Ukraine


Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 91 - 94) DownloadDownloads :147
The article was received by the Editorial staff on April 21 , 2021


1. Reformation: the Success of Europe and a Chance for Ukraine. L. Kistersky, O. Romanenko (Eds.). Prague, Czech Republic, Coretex CZ SE, 2020.
2. Reformation: the Success of Europe and a Chance for Ukraine. R. Sheremeta, O. Romanenko (Eds.). Kyiv, Sammit-Knyha, 2017 [in Ukrainian].
3. Heyets V. Experience and lessons of the reformation –– a chance for Ukraine. Economy of Ukraine, 2017, No. 12, pp. 99-102 [in Ukrainian].