Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 7/2019

Ekon Ukr. 2019 (7): 33–54


УДК 336.1: 339.7


1Scientific and Research Financial Institute of the Academy of Financial Management, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Fiscal rules relate to one of the leading public finance management mechanisms, which is in the process of modernization. The use of the fiscal rules is of great importance in most countries and aims at increasing the fiscal responsibility of governments, strengthening the control of fiscal policy by independent institutions, as well as supranational bodies, and increasing transparency of budget operations. The author concludes that in order to improve the quality of fiscal policy, Ukraine needs to introduce fiscal rules, which should take into account the experience of foreign countries and the features of the development of our country. A number of strategic documents adopted in Ukraine are aimed at applying the fiscal rules, but their implementation is hampered. It is recognized as necessary to expand and clarify the domestic fiscal rules (taking into account the experience of their updating in the EU and the peculiarities of public finance management in Ukraine). Fiscal rules should be transformed into working ones by establishing the procedure for practical application, regulating the powers and obligations of participants in their implementation, and approving the implementation procedures in budgetary processes.
Certain provisions adopted on fiscal policy restrictions are only the first steps in introducing the fiscal rules in our country. Their use provides for the development and implementation of a whole range of legislative acts and introduction of amendments to public administration mechanisms and budgetary procedures. The application of fiscal rules requires a clear definition of the goals and objectives of fiscal policy in the medium and long term and eliminating the sharp changes in inflation and the exchange rate, maintaining a high level of budget centralization and the pressure of funding programs on government sub-sectors. Introducing the restrictions on fiscal consolidation should not be detrimental to economic growth and support for financial stability. It is proposed to introduce four fiscal rules in Ukraine. At the same time, their application should be carried out in stages, taking into account the formation of the necessary infrastructure, regulatory and legal support, adoption of proper procedures and gradual transfer to all subsectors of public administration.

Keywords:fiscal rules; fiscal policy; management of public finances; fiscal responsibility; transparency of budget operations; implementation of fiscal rules

Бібл. 10; рис. 1; табл. 4.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 33 - 54) DownloadDownloads :373
The article was received by the Editorial staff on April 9 , 2019


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