UKRAINIAN ECONOMY DURING THE MILITARY AGGRESSION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND IN THE PERIOD OF POST-WAR RECOVERY УДК 336.143: 336.27 JEL: H12, H54, H62, H63 1Scientific and Research Financial Institute of the Academy of Financial Management, Research ID : FINANCIAL PROVISION FOR PUBLIC EXPENDITURES DURING THE WAR The large-scale aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine caused such damage to the financial system that the providing for critical needs was threatened. There was a need to review approaches to the management of public expenditures, as well as their financial provision. During the war, public expenditures increased sharply, while revenues decreased. Such changes required the introduction of fundamentally new approaches to the cost management and resource mobilization performed in compliance with the principles of fiscal sustainability. Keywords:state budget deficit; government borrowing; risks and financing mechanisms; financial assistance from foreign partners; fiscal rules.
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