Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

Checking for plagiarism All manuscripts of article sent to the editorial office are checked for plagiarism using UNICHECK system. No more than 10-15% of borrowing from own articles is allowed, except for quotations with specific references to primary sources. However, verbatim copying is not allowed, and when the author publishes the provisions (elements) of the articles, it is necessary to clearly indicate how the new article differs from the previous one(s). If a large percentage of borrowings are found, the article will be  returned to the author and will not be considered by the journal’s editorial board.

Peer review process

All scientific articles submitted to the editorial board are subject to double “blind” peer review. Reviewers are not disclosed the personal data of the author(s), and the author(s) – the names of reviewers. Each manuscript is sent for consideration by three reviewers according to the sphere of economics in which they specialize. A meeting of the editorial board of the journal is convened once a month. At least two weeks before the meeting of the editorial board, the members receive all articles submitted for consideration with indication of 2-3 manuscripts to which they must give qualified feedback in accordance with scientific and ethical principles (Editorial policy and ethic norms). Members of the editorial board pay particular attention to the identification and prevention of plagiarism, the practical orientation of the material, the coverage of relevant foreign experience in the text and the provision by the author(s) of practical recommendations for its use in Ukraine. For each peer-reviewed article, one of the following decisions is made based on the reviews received: print; print with notes; for revision with re-submission to the editorial board; reject. The author(s) shall receive copies of the reviews of the manuscript together with the decision on the article. The author(s) is/are required (except when the article is rejected) to revise the manuscript in accordance with the reviewers’ comments. Only after passing through all the review procedures and the author’s finalization of the manuscript, the Editor-in-Chief (deputy Editor-in-Chief) signs the article in print. After that, a License agreement for the use of the work is concluded with each author (all co-authors).

Editorial work on articles

When working on articles in a specific issue of the journal, the following are carried out: literary editing of the text (in Ukrainian or Russian), verification of the correct translation of the author’s/authors’ output data into English, annotations, keywords, extended summaries, and references. After final agreement with the authors, the edited copies of the articles are completed in the current issue of the journal according to the sections approved by the editorial board. The fully typeset issue is forwarded to the printing house for printing a print run of the journal and its PDF version is submitted to the authors and distributed to subscribers of the online version of the journal.