Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

Обкладинка_без номеру

“Economy of Ukraine”

Ekonomìka Ukraïni

Ekon. Ukr.

p-ISSN 2522-9303

e-ISSN 2522-9478

DOI: 10.15407/economyukr (from No. 1, 2018).

Founders: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; State Institution “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine”

Publisher & manufacturer: PH “Akademperiodyka” of the NAS of Ukraine – in accordance with the order of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine of March 24, 2022 No. 158 “On the designation of the Publishing House “Akademperiodika” of the NAS of Ukraine as a publisher of scientific journals, the preparation and publication of which is carried out within the framework of the Journal Support Program of the NAS of Ukraine”

Publishing schedule: 12 times/year (monthly).

Financing of the publication: under the target complex program “Creation and development of the scientific and publishing complex of the NAS of Ukraine”; print and electronic subscription

The journal has been published: since 1958.

Certificate of the state registration of print media: Series КВ № 23636-13476ПР of December 20, 2018.

Professional registration: The journal “Economy of Ukraine” is included in the “B” category of the List of Scientific and Professional Publications of Ukraine. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 886 of July 02, 2020 (specialties: 051, 071, 072, 073, 281, 292).

Issue type: scientific journal.

Issue status: national.

Sphere of distribution: nationwide, foreign.

Access to articles: free access to the full texts of articles on the journal website and on the journal page on the website of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadskyi without a time lag.

Issue languages: Ukrainian, English (mixed languages).

Target audience: managers and specialists of all sectors of the economy, business representatives, researchers of scientific-research institutions, lecturers and professors of high schools, students and graduate students, scientists and practitioners.

Topics: economic theory; theoretical and practical issues of management; financial, tax and credit sectors; insurance; regional development and decentralization; agroindustry complex; world economic relations; economic problems of nature management; economics of foreign countries; social issues, educational sector; historical aspect in economic science.

Major objectives: publication of original scientific articles on pressing problems of the economy of Ukraine and foreign countries in the main areas of economic science, organization of scientific discussions, placement of materials of round tables, publication of thematic issues.

Editorial policy: as part of its editorial policy, the scientific journal consistently adheres to the publishing standards of the Code of Conduct for Journal Editors and Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers, approved by the Committee on Publication Ethics, in particular, the publishing principles (Publishing Ethics Resource Kit) of the Elsevier Publishing House, and also relies on experience authoritative international publishing houses. The editors support the Budapest Open Access Initiative, aimed at the free and free dissemination of scientific knowledge, which contributes to the accelerated development of science.

License terms: the authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right to publish original scientific works containing the results of experimental and theoretical studies and are not under consideration for publication in other journals. All publications are under the Creative Commons Attribution License International CC-BY-NC-NDthat allows others to distribute the work with acknowledgment of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.

Checking for plagiarism: All manuscripts of articles sent to the editor office are checked for plagiarism using theUNICHECK system.

Publication of articles: free

Author’s copies (paper and electronic version): 1 magazine per author free of charge.

Peer-review mandatory double-blind peer-review.

Editor-in-Chief: Valeriy Heyets, Professor, Doctor of  Sci. (Economics).

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Iryna Korniienko

