Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958


Access to the contents of the journal
The journal “Economy of Ukraine” is circulated by the subscription of a printed or electronic version. The extended summary of each article is freely available on the site of the journal. The open access to the full versions of articles of the journal is allowed on the site of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine with a time lag of 12 months.

The editorial policy of the journal is based on the principles of objectivity and impartiality at the selection of manuscripts with the purpose of their publication; high exactions to the quality of scientific studies; obligation and confidentiality of the reviewing of manuscripts; compliance of the collectivity in the decision making concerning the publication of manuscripts; accessibility and immediacy of the communication with the authors; strict compliance of author’s and related rights (with the conclusion of the License joining agreement with each author (coauthor)).
The prevention of illegal publications is the responsibility of each author, editor, reviewer, publisher, and organization.

Ethics of publications
The Editorial Board of the journal demands that the authors keep the appropriate level of formal and ethical rules in the preparation and the publication of scientific works submitted to the Editorial Board of the journal. These norms are determined by the quality standards for scientific articles accepted in the world scientific community, in particular, by the publication principles of the Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK), recommendations of the academic publishing house Elsevier, Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the ethic code of Ukraine’s scientists, and the work experience of foreign and Ukrainian professional communities, scientific institutions, editorial boards, and editorial staffs.

Ethic obligations of the Editorial Board of the journal

1. The Editorial Board is responsible for the level of the scientific content of the journal.
2. All scientific materials pass the careful selection and the “blind” reviewing. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject a manuscript or to return it for a modification. The author must rework the manuscript in correspondence with the remarks of reviewers.
3. The Editorial Board considers all submitted manuscripts without bias, assesses properly each of them, and makes the objective decisions independent of commercial or other interests, and ensures the fair process of reviewing.
4. The Editorial Board can reject a manuscript without reviewing, by considering that it does not correspond to the profile of the journal.
5. The Editorial Board opposes the falsification, plagiarism, submission of a single work into several journals, multiple copying of article’s text in different places, and misleading the community as for author’s real contribution to a specific scientific work.
6. The Editorial Board has right to withdraw the published article in the case of the violation of any rights or commonly accepted norms of the scientific ethics. About such fact of the withdrawal of the article, the Editorial Board will inform the author and the organization, where such work was executed.
7. The editorial staff provides no information concerning the content of a manuscript under consideration to any persons, except for those participating in its professional assessment.
8. According to the international legislation as for the compliance of author’s rights, the materials of a site cannot be reproduced completely or partially in any form (electronic or printed) without the preliminary written agreement of the Editorial Board of the journal. If the published materials are used in the context of other acts, the citation of the original source should be obligatorily made.
9. Editors, authors, and reviewers must inform about their interests, which would affect their objectivity at the editing and reviewing of the manuscripts (the case of a conflict of interests). Such can be the intellectual, financial, personal, political, or religious interests.

Ethic obligations of authors
1. The author bears the complete responsibility for the content of the article and for the very fact of its publication.
2. The author should cite those publications that had the defining influence on the essence of studies presented in the article and those that can rapidly inform the reader about the earlier works important for the comprehension of the given trend. It is necessary also to properly indicate the sources of basically significant results used in the, if those results were not got by the author his/herself.
3. The plagiarism as an original work and the submission of the earlier published article are impermissible. If such facts will occur, the author will bear the complete responsibility.
4. Coauthors of the article should be those persons who gave a weighty scientific contribution to the submitted work and share liability for the obtained results. The author submitting the manuscript for the publication is responsible for that the list of coauthors includes only those persons who correspond to the authorship criterion and takes the responsibility for the consent of other authors of the manuscript for its publication in the journal.